Hookah smoke is naturally thicker if you compare it with cigarettes and cigars. However, some hookah setups don’t produce the kind of thick smoke that you are probably familiar with or have experienced at shisha lounges. Naturally, you want to know how to make hookah smoke thicker.
The evident difference boils down to your apparatus and how you work with every ingredient. In this post, I’ll share with you the simple secrets to make your hookah smoke thicker and fulsome. Also, the reasons I elaborate on will make your hookah smoke more flavorful.
You Need a Premium-Quality Hookah Kit
You cannot emulate the shisha lounge experience with the cheapest hookah available online. If you have an inexpensive and slender hookah bowl, it will probably burn the shisha tobacco in it. So, forget about thicker hookah smoke. You’ll have flavorless, burnt, and choky clouds.
Likewise, you need a hookah pipe or stem that doesn’t interfere with the smoke passing through it, such as a significant flavor absorption. Similarly, you need a washable silicone hose that will allow the thick smoke to pass freely without the material altering the flavor and texture.
Therefore, you need a premium-quality hookah. I’m not suggesting you have to spend a fortune on one of the most expensive kits out there. However, the cheapest kit won’t serve your needs.
Also, most of the inexpensive hookahs have fitting issues and not all parts are washable. Both these factors will affect your hookah smoke, certainly its thickness, texture, and flavor.
You Need a Clean and Leakproof Hookah
A hookah with unclean parts will interfere with the smoke volume, density, and quality. So, you’ll get flavor interferences, wispy smoke, and quaint textures. The only way to ensure an amazing flavor and texture is cleaning all the hookah parts, including the hose.
Cheap hookah kits don’t have washable hoses. If you can’t wash the hose, it will hold on to the flavors from previous sessions. Also, the hose will have gunky buildup inside. You can’t have a giant cloud pass through a debris-laden hose. So, you need a hookah with washable parts.
The other factor is leakage. Modern hookahs don’t have the same leakage problem as the older handcrafted ones that tend to be imperfect at the ports and joints. However, inexpensive hookah kits don’t fit flawlessly. Thus, you may have leaks at the bowl, stem, base, and hose ports.
One way to ensure there are no leaks is by blowing some air through an assembled hookah. In a hookah setup, only the purge valve should let some air out if you blow through the mouth tip of the hose while covering the bowl or the tip of the stem.
Any leak through the hose port, base-stem connector, or pipe-bowl joint means the fittings aren’t perfect. If air leaks through your hookah setup, smoke will also find a way out, and you won’t get the thick clouds that you long for.
A premium-quality hookah shouldn’t have leaks. However, verify that your installation is perfect. Also, hookah parts may suffer wear and tear or damage in due course. Hence, you should be a tad proactive to ensure that no part is broken, misaligned, or deformed.
Pack the Shisha Tobacco and Bowl Perfectly
Too much shisha tobacco in a hookah bowl and you will have very little air passing through it. So, the clouds will be scant; forget thickness, density, or wholesomeness. Pack too little shisha in the bowl and you will have hot air, not thick clouds or the flavor and texture you would expect.
Also, you cannot have an aluminum foil or a heat management device allowing more air in than what is necessary. The holes in a foil or two should be tiny and numerous. A heat management device should be snugly fitted atop a bowl, with absolutely no means for excess air to seep in.
You need practice to pack the right quantity of shisha tobacco and align it perfectly in a hookah bowl. Also, the packing method varies for different types of tobacco, such as blonde and dark leaves. Besides, the packing style depends on the bowl type and heat management approach.
Manage the Heat for the Chosen Shisha Tobacco
You need real-time heat management. Aluminum foils are not immune to ambient breeze, so there is a significant heat loss. In contrast, a heat management device is more efficient and effective, but you must regulate the vents and cap, as needed.
Excessive heat burns shisha tobacco, and you won’t get thick smoke. Low heat won’t extract the flavors and you’ll not have voluminous clouds. Also, you should try to use natural charcoal instead of the quick-light variant. The latter doesn’t generate as much heat as natural charcoal.
Use Optimum Water and Toggle the Charcoal Pieces
You need sufficient water for the smoke to cool before you draw it through the hose. Hot smoke dissipates faster than slightly cooler clouds. However, adding ice isn’t going to do much, and it is likely to dilute the flavor. Optimum water in the base is more than sufficient for thick smoke.
Also, too many scorching charcoal pieces will burn the shisha tobacco. So, rotate and reposition the charcoal pieces. Discard the ones that are no longer burning. Get new charcoal if and when necessary for the session.
Last but not least, don’t dry your shisha tobacco because it will lose the molasses, glycerin, and honey, depending on its composition. In effect, you won’t get the thick smoke you desire.